elegant jacket feat jeans!

I made a no collar jacket again.

The fabric what I choose is very elegant woven silver needle and pearl color needle. I think I can go any kind of party with this jacket.However the most awesome way is mixing with casual wear. It makes this elegance look better.And if I wear sharp high heal.... mmm! Nice!

Basically,the way to make no collar jacket is very simple and not so complex.
Must have to do is cutting fabrics perfectly with accepting to pattern paper.This is the most important process ;)

 You should make hard neckline to get tight jacket.I used thick fusible interlinging.

And making arm,,,,OMG,I don't like this process in common with everybody... haha
This process measures and tests you how you could cut fabrics perfectly at the first stage.

Use enough pins, and join each part carefully!

Look down inside of jacket. I could join all parts well somehow ...

Making clothes is not always easy. But you can feel a sense of accomplishment when you finish last needle.And before everything else,you can get ONLY ONE in the world.

That is why I can't stop making something new!

 Enjoy your sewing life!



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